

  • 優質超級食物,良心的採購
  • 生吃或熟吃均可
  • 15分鐘即可煮好
  • 添加到湯、沙拉、卷餅、燉菜和炒菜裡
  • 很棒的早晨穀物
  • 無需洗滌、沖洗或浸泡
  • 每份提供7克蛋白質
  • 纖維來源
  • 食物具有強大力量
  • 享受美食• 活得好
  • 充滿活力的生活
  • 環保證書
  • 美國USDA有機認證
  • 符合猶太戒律
  • 純素
  • 100%發芽
  • 可重複密封
  • 超級食物
  • 發芽會釋放出營養素和提高生物利用度
  • 由Ecocert Canada認證有機
  • Chenopodium Quinoa




在Organic Traditions,我們提供來自許多緩解傳統的營養密集超級食物。我們致力於支持那些堅持可持續和公平貿易農業原則的農民。現在,我們生活在節奏快速的世界中,面對種種挑戰,比以往任何時候都需要用超級食物、草本、種子和水果來滋養自己。勇於面對挑戰。這些超級食物是多功能的。以您認為合適的任何創造性方式,將它們加入到食譜中。每頓飯,您都有機會選擇豐富的營養。食物具有強大力量。為你和地球的利益作出選擇。

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/ogt/ogt01651/u/0.jpg">


  • 優質超級食物,良心的採購
  • 生吃或熟吃均可
  • 15分鐘即可煮好
  • 添加到湯、沙拉、卷餅、燉菜和炒菜裡
  • 很棒的早晨穀物
  • 無需洗滌、沖洗或浸泡
  • 每份提供7克蛋白質
  • 纖維來源
  • 食物具有強大力量
  • 享受美食• 活得好
  • 充滿活力的生活
  • 環保證書
  • 美國USDA有機認證
  • 符合猶太戒律
  • 純素
  • 100%發芽
  • 可重複密封
  • 超級食物
  • 發芽會釋放出營養素和提高生物利用度
  • 由Ecocert Canada認證有機
  • Chenopodium Quinoa




在Organic Traditions,我們提供來自許多緩解傳統的營養密集超級食物。我們致力於支持那些堅持可持續和公平貿易農業原則的農民。現在,我們生活在節奏快速的世界中,面對種種挑戰,比以往任何時候都需要用超級食物、草本、種子和水果來滋養自己。勇於面對挑戰。這些超級食物是多功能的。以您認為合適的任何創造性方式,將它們加入到食譜中。每頓飯,您都有機會選擇豐富的營養。食物具有強大力量。為你和地球的利益作出選擇。


對於奉行無麩質飲食的人來說,它是不可或缺的主食,因為發芽過程讓它不需要任何洗滌、沖洗或浸泡,可以隨時使用,生吃或煮熟來吃均可。這種精緻的堅果味種子,在15分鐘內即可煮好。它本身已很美味,也可以加入湯、沙拉、卷餅、燉菜、炒菜和咖喱裡。藜麥是燕麥片和其他早晨穀物的絕佳替代品。添加Organic Traditions發芽芡歐鼠尾草籽粉、Organic Traditions枸杞、Organic Traditions黃金漿果、Organic Traditions香草粉末和一點用來加甜的Organic Traditions Yacon雪蓮糖漿。藜麥也是一種很好的麵粉替代品。將發芽的種子用咖啡研磨機研磨成蓬鬆的無麩質麵粉。


1:1 比例的藜麥和水。



網路價:216元,結帳享5%折扣後 206


  • Premium Quality Foods - Conscious Sourcing
  • Use for Trail Mixes, Snacks & Smoothies, Desserts & Baking, Purees & Sauces, Salad & More
  • Bursting with Delicious Flavor
  • Whole, Dried Cranberries
  • Soft and Juicy
  • Food is Powerful
  • Eat Well • Live Well
  • Vibrant Living
  • Enhance Your Smoothies with These Nutritious Dried Cranberries
  • Sulfite Free
  • No Preservatives
  • Tastes Delicious
  • USDA Organic
  • Kosher
  • Vegan
  • Raw
  • Resealable
  • Fruits
  • Vaccinium Macrocarpon
  • Certified Organic by: Ecocert ICO

Dried Cranberries

Cranberries have been a revered fruit for centuries. A low, creeping shrub, wild cranberries were a central part of the Native American diet. They were eaten fresh, dried, mashed with other ingredients or combined with the protein and fat from wild game to create pemmican, a traditional winter survival food. They have since been harvested in North America as a nourishing fruit staple. Cranberries contain unique flavonoid antioxidants known as PACs or Proanthocyanidins, 30 grams of dried Cranberries contain 113 mg of polyphenols.

Organic Traditions Cranberries are slow grown in the pristine, mineral rich soils of rural Quebec, Canada and gently dried to retain the nutritional integrity. There is a difference you can taste. They are bursting with intense flavor and a soft and juicy texture. The Cranberries are tumbled in apple juice so as to delicately sweetened the naturally tart taste that cranberry is known for.

Organic Nutrition From Around The World

At Organic Traditions we provide nutrient dense foods from many healing traditions. We are committed to supporting farmers who are dedicated to the principles of sustainable and fair trade agriculture. Now more than ever we need to nourish ourselves with superfoods, herbs, seeds and fruits packed with the nutrition needed to support the challenges that come with living in a fast paced world. Be adventurous. These foods are versatile. Incorporate them into recipes in any creative way you see fit. At every meal you have the opportunity to choose dense nutrition. Food is powerful. Make choices for a better you and a better planet.

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/ogt/ogt00994/u/0.jpg">


  • Premium Quality Foods - Conscious Sourcing
  • Use for Trail Mixes, Snacks & Smoothies, Desserts & Baking, Purees & Sauces, Salad & More
  • Bursting with Delicious Flavor
  • Whole, Dried Cranberries
  • Soft and Juicy
  • Food is Powerful
  • Eat Well • Live Well
  • Vibrant Living
  • Enhance Your Smoothies with These Nutritious Dried Cranberries
  • Sulfite Free
  • No Preservatives
  • Tastes Delicious
  • USDA Organic
  • Kosher
  • Vegan
  • Raw
  • Resealable
  • Fruits
  • Vaccinium Macrocarpon
  • Certified Organic by: Ecocert ICO

Dried Cranberries

Cranberries have been a revered fruit for centuries. A low, creeping shrub, wild cranberries were a central part of the Native American diet. They were eaten fresh, dried, mashed with other ingredients or combined with the protein and fat from wild game to create pemmican, a traditional winter survival food. They have since been harvested in North America as a nourishing fruit staple. Cranberries contain unique flavonoid antioxidants known as PACs or Proanthocyanidins, 30 grams of dried Cranberries contain 113 mg of polyphenols.

Organic Traditions Cranberries are slow grown in the pristine, mineral rich soils of rural Quebec, Canada and gently dried to retain the nutritional integrity. There is a difference you can taste. They are bursting with intense flavor and a soft and juicy texture. The Cranberries are tumbled in apple juice so as to delicately sweetened the naturally tart taste that cranberry is known for.

Organic Nutrition From Around The World

At Organic Traditions we provide nutrient dense foods from many healing traditions. We are committed to supporting farmers who are dedicated to the principles of sustainable and fair trade agriculture. Now more than ever we need to nourish ourselves with superfoods, herbs, seeds and fruits packed with the nutrition needed to support the challenges that come with living in a fast paced world. Be adventurous. These foods are versatile. Incorporate them into recipes in any creative way you see fit. At every meal you have the opportunity to choose dense nutrition. Food is powerful. Make choices for a better you and a better planet.


Enjoy these cranberries as is, or add them to yogurt, oatmeal, cereals, granola mixes, trail mixes and smoothies. Add them to salads, pilafs, casseroles and stews. Make delicious desserts, truffles, chocolate bars and more.

網路價:159元,結帳享5%折扣後 152
網路價:148元,結帳享5%折扣後 141


  • 未加工,無麩質
  • 超級種子
  • 可在冰沙、沙拉、炸薯條、甜品和烘焙中使用
  • 鈣和鐵
  • 蛋白質和礦物質
  • 可口的堅果味,開袋即食
  • 鈣的優質來源
  • 纖維來源
  • 低升糖‡
  • 蛋白質和鈣
  • 無麩質纖維
  • 認可有機: Ecocert SA
  • USDA 有機認可
  • 無麩質
  • 猶太潔食
  • 可重封
  • 芝麻
  • 全素
  • Non-GMO
  • 未加工



黑芝麻籽有著悠久的歷史,特早能夠追溯到古巴比倫和古埃及。它們被認為是傳統阿育吠陀和亞洲草本傳統的主食。根據傳統亞洲草本醫級,種子與肝腎經有關。黑芝麻籽是全食鈣和鐵的優質來源,也是纖維的來源。它們含有蛋白質、磷、鎂和 B 族維生素。這種無麩質的超級種子碳水化合物和鈉含量低,是一種特好的營養零食。


在有機傳統,我們提供來自多種傳統的營養豐富的 SuperFood。我們致力於支持秉持可持續原則和公平貿易農業的農民。現在,我們比以往任何時候都更需要用富含營養的 SuperFood,草本,籽和水果來滋養自己,從而支持我們應對快速生活的世界所帶來的挑戰。勇於冒險。這些 SuperFood 用途廣泛。以您認為合適的任何創造性方式,將它們融入到食譜中。每頓飯您都可以選擇營養豐富的食物。食物是強大的。為更好的自己和更好的星球做出選擇。

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/ogt/ogt00230/u/0.jpg">


  • 未加工,無麩質
  • 超級種子
  • 可在冰沙、沙拉、炸薯條、甜品和烘焙中使用
  • 鈣和鐵
  • 蛋白質和礦物質
  • 可口的堅果味,開袋即食
  • 鈣的優質來源
  • 纖維來源
  • 低升糖‡
  • 蛋白質和鈣
  • 無麩質纖維
  • 認可有機: Ecocert SA
  • USDA 有機認可
  • 無麩質
  • 猶太潔食
  • 可重封
  • 芝麻
  • 全素
  • Non-GMO
  • 未加工



黑芝麻籽有著悠久的歷史,特早能夠追溯到古巴比倫和古埃及。它們被認為是傳統阿育吠陀和亞洲草本傳統的主食。根據傳統亞洲草本醫級,種子與肝腎經有關。黑芝麻籽是全食鈣和鐵的優質來源,也是纖維的來源。它們含有蛋白質、磷、鎂和 B 族維生素。這種無麩質的超級種子碳水化合物和鈉含量低,是一種特好的營養零食。


在有機傳統,我們提供來自多種傳統的營養豐富的 SuperFood。我們致力於支持秉持可持續原則和公平貿易農業的農民。現在,我們比以往任何時候都更需要用富含營養的 SuperFood,草本,籽和水果來滋養自己,從而支持我們應對快速生活的世界所帶來的挑戰。勇於冒險。這些 SuperFood 用途廣泛。以您認為合適的任何創造性方式,將它們融入到食譜中。每頓飯您都可以選擇營養豐富的食物。食物是強大的。為更好的自己和更好的星球做出選擇。


Organic Traditions 黑芝麻具有濃郁的堅果味。將它們加入到冰沙、甜品、烘焙食品、優酪乳、沙拉、湯、炒菜和蔬菜中。製作成一種美味的籽脂。製作芝麻醬或麻花糖。烘烤後可增加味道。在低糖芝麻奶昔中加入 1-2 茶匙黑芝麻籽、1-2 茶匙 Organic Traditions 發芽奇亞籽粉、1-2 茶匙 Organic Traditions 椰絲、1-2 茶匙 Organic Traditions 瑪卡 X-6 粉、1 茶匙 Organic Traditions 香草粉和其它任何 Organic Traditions 或 Natural Traditions SUPER FOODS ,然後與足量的水(3-6 杯)混合來獲得所需的稠度。

網路價:164元,結帳享5%折扣後 156